Portfolio Entry #12: Articles


An article s a piece of writing intended for publication, written for a wide audience, that can be formal or informal. Articles have 3 main sections: an introduction, the main body and the conclusion.

All about Articles

All the information can be found here: Writing an Article. In here, you can find different sections focused on how to write an article, I will paste below some of activities from each sections and my answers. 

  • Writing Titles

  • Topic sentences:

Metacognitive Analysis:

I think something that teachers forget to do when giving students a writing assignment is to think of a  purpose. The structure, style and other formal aspects of a genre are taught to the students, and later they are encouraged to produce something. Sometimes, students are faced with a ''purposeless'' assignment, where they may write just to pass a subject, not because they wish to express something, to research something. It is easier and more enjoyable to write about something you are really interested in, and more meaningful! 


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