Portfolio Entry #11: Writing Strategies. HEDGING and BOOSTING
Hedging and Boosting
Examples of categorical claims and hedged claims.
1) Categorical
claim: The issues
highlighted in this study are applicable to all participating
Claim: The issues
highlighted in this study may be applicable to many participating
2) Categorical
Claim: Government
support will assure the spread of new knowledge and the skills
necessary to use the internet to thousands of people in rural areas.
Claim: Government
support may help with the spread of new knowledge and the skills
necessary to use the internet to thousands of people in rural areas.
3) Categorical
claim: The study proves the link between smoking and lung disease.
Claim: The study indicates/suggests a (possible) link between smoking
and lung disease.
4) Categorical
claim: The number of unemployed people will continue to raise as the
poor economic situation persists.
claim: The number of unemployed people will probably continue to raise
as the poor economic situation persists.
5) Categorical
claim: These studies led to the conclusion that the GTP itself must be
the elusive base, and therefore to the proposal of the GTP-as-base mechanism
Hedged claim: These studies led to the conclusion that the GTP itself may be the elusive base, and therefore to the proposal of the GTP-as-base mechanism.
While Hedging may be more appropriate for Academic Writing, Boosting, on the other hand, is not. If used appropriately, Boosting will show confidence in your findings and arguments. But too much of it, and you will look cocky, overconfident and even annoying.
''Our results suggest that rapid freeze and
thaw rates during artificial experiments in the laboratory may cause
artificial formation of embolism. Such experiments may not
quantitatively represent the amount of embolism that is formed during winter
freezing in nature. In the chaparral at least, low temperature episodes usually
result in gradual freeze-thaw events.'' (Hyland, 1998)
''Clearly, these sales
figures show a definite increase in consumer confidence, which
will undoubtedly have an impact on our share price.''
- For this entry, with the help of Rocio Salomone, we made a sort of ''podcast''.
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