Portfolio Entry #5 Paragraph Structure

''Sir!'' The Bard ran to the Schoolmaster, journal in hand.
''Sir, could you look at my latest draft, please?''
''Oh! Ya wrote somethin' new? Sure I can!''
He read the young elf's journal, looking pleased.
''I see ya finally got the hang of poetry, my lad!
It's well written, almost as good as mine!''
 He laughed with delight.

Paragraph Structure

Learn English with Alex (engVid). Parts of a Paragraph - English Academic Writing Introduction. Retrieved from Youtube

Metacognitive Analysis.

Although all these tips are focused on strict aspects of American academic writing, knowing how to organize and write paragraphs will help writers from all genres, even for those that are not as strict in their structure and style as academic writings.

Knowing what to avoid doing helps us to reflect on what we write, or speak in the case of oral presentations, and to think for a moment what we want to say and stay on topic.


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