Portfolio Entry #2: Advice on Academic Writing

The door opens and you see a man enter the tavern.
The stack of papers under his arm gives him away as
the respectable owner of the place: The Schoolmaster.
He drops the stack on one of the tables and starts
to correct papers. It will take him a while, it seems.

Metacognitive Analysis

It's good to refresh these topics, sometimes one forgets how to write appropriately. I hope this will be of use to anyone, even if is not as dynamic as I hoped for. Students are not commonly asked to produce academic writings, so it's good to know the different types of papers there exist. Who knows, maybe I could ask a student to write one in the future!
Slideshows are the best tool for presentations. Now you have the option to create slideshows online through Google Slides, which is the best when you are working in groups or pairs and you can’t get together. They are far better than posters, and much more eye-catching. The only problem is... most schools are not equipped for these tools. Either there is no projector or computer, or there is only one for a large number of courses. It could also be the case that there is no place to plug the projector!

Nevertheless, students should be allowed to produce slideshows for their presentations, even if we haven’t asked them to.


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