Metacognitive Analysis #1

The incorporation of new technological tools in the language classroom is very important and something to think about. The possibility to develop new activities through the use of tools the students are familiar with can motivate them to learn, and the possibility to share their works is a good way to acknowledge their efforts and for others to enjoy. But we also have to consider that many students may prefer to keep their works to themselves because of shame.

Tools such as Blogger are good for this purpose, not only can portfolios be accessed by others, but also students can add images, music or videos to enhance their works. As is the case of the last entry, we worked with a music video that represents us or means a lot to us. This is a good activity for students to break from the monotony of traditional exercises and drills, and move to something more creative and personal. It was stressful to find a song at first, but it felt nice to write about it, to express myself through it.

An aspect to consider when using songs is that students do not always need to choose songs in English, though that is the target language. They can choose songs in their mother tongue, in another foreign language, or just instrumental music: like soundtracks from movies or games, classical music or even electronic music. Lifting this restriction, even if we have not established it in the first place, will help students to write freely. The song is not important, but what students do with the song is.


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